Names of the Imams in Sunni books before 220 A.H


Sunan Ibn Maaja

65-Reported from Sahal son of Abi Sahal and Muhammad son of Ismael they said: Reported from AbdulSalam son of Saleh Abu AlSalt AlHarawi reported from Ali son of Musa AlRitha from his father from Jaafar son of Muhammad from his father from Ali son of AlHussain from his father from Ali son of Abi Taleh he said: The Messenger of Allah s.a.w said:”Faith is Maarifa in the heart and words by the tongue and working by the pillars. Abu AlSalt says: If this Isnaad(chain of narrators) was read on a Majnoon(crazy person)he would be healed.

Ibn Maja reported this and also Ahmed Ibn Hanbal

And its reported from Ahmed son of Hanbal that he said about the Isnaad of Imam Ali son of Musa AlRitha pbuh from his fathers prayers of Allah be upon them”If this Isnaad was read upon a Majnoon(crazy person)he would be healed from his craziness”.
Sawa’eq AlMuhriqa v.2 p.595

And Ali son of Mahraway: Abu Hatem said:Abu Haatem Muhammad son of Idrees AlRaazi: Abu Salt Abd AlSalam son of Saleh AlHarawe: If this Isnaad was read upon a Majnoon(crazy person) he would wake up.
AlTadween Fi Akhbar AlGizwain v.3 p.482

From AbdulRahman son of Abi Hatem he said:” I was with my father in AlSham, so I saw a man who had a seizure. I mentioned this Isnaad(of narrators) and said: Let me try this. So I read this Isnaad so the man stood up and cleaned his clothes and walked.

Imam AlMusnadi said in his footnotes about Sunan Ibn Maaja:His saying”He would have been healed from his craziness” meaning from what is in the Isnaad from the benevolent servants and they are the dutiful ones of Ahl Bayt of the Prophet r.a.

So the Sunni book mentioned the names of the Imams pbut and that proves that these Imams existed during the times of these Sunni scholars and they were a great blessing to the Muslim nation.

وقد روي عن أحمد بن حنبل أنه قال عن إسناد الإمام علي بن موسى الرضا (عليه السلام) عن آبائه (صلوات الله عليهم): ((لو قرأت هذا الإسناد على مجنون لبرئ من

وقال علي بن مهرويه: ((قال أبو حاتم محمد بن إدريس الرازي: قال أبو الصلت عبدالسلام بن صالـح الهروي: لو قرئ هذا الإسناد على مجنون لأفاق))(2).

وعن عبد الرحمن بن أبي حاتم هذا، قال: ((كنت مع أبي بالشام، فرأيت رجلاً مصروعاً، فذكرت هذا الإسناد، فقلت: أجرب بهذا. فقرأت عليه هذا الإسناد، فقام الرجل، فنفض ثيابه،

Ahmed Ibn Hanbal 164-241 A.H Lived around the time of Imam Musa AlKathem a.s
to Imam Hasan AlAskari a.s.

Ibn Maja 209-273 A.H Lived around the time of Imam Ritha a.s. until the small occultation of Imam Al Mahdi a.s.

From AbdulRahman son of Abi Hatem he said:” I was with my father in AlSham, so I saw a man who had a seizure. I mentioned this Isnaad(of narrators) and said: Let me try this. So I read this Isnaad so the man stood up and cleaned his clothes and walked.
AlTadqeen Fi Akhbar Qizwain v.3 p.482

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