The opponents of the call often use the argument that Yamani has to be Yemen. This is a very superficial misconception. Even a quick reading would remind a reasonable person that surely they must not be talking about the country Yemen which came to be known only in recent history. But that’s not all, let’s dive deep on this misconception:
- Firstly, Most of the books don’t mention anything about Yamani emerging from Yemen at all. While, some of the editions mention ‘from Yemen’ in parenthesis, and there is no explanation for its addition in the footnotes.
Here are the following books that don’t have the phrase ‘from Yemen’ in parenthesis after Yamani:
- Book: Ilaam AlWara Bi’Alam AlHuda v.2 p.233. The Author quotes Kamal Al-Din, whose Author is Sheikh AlTabrasi, Demise: 548 A.H. Kamal Al-Din doesn’t have the phrase ‘from Yemen‘.
- Book: Kashf AlGuma. Author: Ibn Abi AlFateh Alarbili. Demise:693 A.H
- Book: Muntakhab AlAnwar AlMuthea. Author: Sayed Buha AlDeen AlNajafi. Demise:803 A.H.
- Book: Ithbat Al-Hudat. Author: Muhammad son of Hassan Al-Hur Al-Ameli. Quotes: Kamal Al-Deen. Reference: v.3 p.468 (Nusoos on Imamat Saaheb Al-Zaman).
- Book: Bihar Al-Anwar. Author: Alama Al-Majlesy. Demise:1111 A.H. Reference: V.51 p.218. Quote from Kamal Al-Deen.
- Book: Ilzam Al-Naseb Min Ithbaat AlHuja AlGa’eb. Author: Sheikh Ali Al-Yazdi Al-Ha’eri. Demise:1333 A.H. Reference: V.1 P.197
- Book: Besharat Al-Islam. Author: Sayed Mustafa Al-Kathemy. Demise:1336 A.H. Print: Qom-Maktabat Alameen.
- Book: Mikyaal Al-Makaarem. Author: Mirza Muhammad Taqi Al-Asfahany. Demise:1348 A.H. Reference: V.1 P.71
- Book: Rijal Tarako Basamat Ala Qismaat Al-Tareekh. Author: Sayed Lateef Al-Qizwaini -Still living. Reference: P.275

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- Secondly, there are also many narrations about the Yamani coming from ‘East‘. Here is an example:
The Prophet (p) took the hand of Al-Abba[son of Abdulmutalib] and the hand of Ali a.s and said: “There shall be a man from the offspring of this man (Abbas) who shall fill the earth unjustice and tyranny. And there shall be from this man (Ali) who shall spread the earth with justice and tranquility. So if you see this happening, upon you is to go with the man who is the Yamani, for he shall come from the East and he is the one with the banner of the Mahdi”
Al-Mahdi Al-Muntather Al-Maw’ood, Door No. 2/ page 207
- Thirdly, some narrations mention Prophet Muhammad (p) saying that He is Yamani, even though the Prophet (s) was born in Mecca.
Prophet Muhammad pbuhap said: “Belief (Imaan) is Yamani and I am a Yamani”
Bihar Al-Anwar V.57 P.232
- Fourthly, some narrations mention that even Mecca was considered from Yemen, and hence the Kaaba was called Yemeni Kaaba
Sheikh AlMajlesy: He (Prophet (p)) said that because Imaan (faith) started from Mecca which is Touhama from the region of Yemen and so it was called: The Yamani Kaaba
Sheikh Ali AlNumazi v.10 p.602 and Bihar AlAnwar v.22 p.1
- Finally, there is a clear statement from the Ahlulbayt pbut about the necessity of submitting to their commands even if the location of the matter changes. It is not allowed to belie it as long as the matter that they pbuh reported about happened.
Abu Jafar and Abu Abdullah pbut said: “O Aba Hamza, if we spoke about a matter that it will come from here but then it came from there, Allah can do what he wants. And if we report to you today of a narration and then tomorrow we report something opposing it. Allah erases what he wants and confirms.”
Bihar AlAnwar Vol.4 Page 119
The command of Ahlulbayt pbut is evident, that Bada (changes in Divine decree) can happen in the details, for example, the location of a certain matter. Therefore, nothing remains for this misconception, that is based on a hadith which is Ahad (single), weak in its chain according to them, and differs in its content (Matn), and finally which can be subject to Bada.
Here is a Youtube video about this misconception!