Gaibat AlToosi
“Peace be upon your Wali(guardian)[Imam AlMahdi a.s.]and the bearers of your Promise and the Imams from his sons”
The sons of Imam AlMahdi a.s. are the Mahdis mentioned in the Prophet’s will
This hadeeth is speaking about the Riser Imam AlMahdi a.s. who is Muhammad son of AlHasan pbuh because after him are 12 Mahdis.
.Imam Al Saadeq pbuh said:”After the Riser there will be 12 Mahdis from the son of Hussein” p.385/Burhan v.3 p.310/Bihar AlAnwar v.53 p.148
This hadeeth is speaking about the Riser Ahmed who is the first Mahdi in the Prophet’s will because after him there will be 11 Mahdis.
Imam Al Saadeq pbuh said:”After the Riser there will be 11 Mahdis from the son of Hussein” Mukhtasar Basa’er AlDarajat p.38 Gaibat AlToosi p.478/Bihar AlAnwar v.53 p.145 Imam Hussain a.s. isn’t a son of himself or even Imam Ali a.s. or even Imam Hasan a.s.
The person with the confusion would say that these Imams from his sons are the 12 Imams including Ali son of Abi Taleb, Imam Hussain and Imam Hassan pbut. And this logic is false because Imam Ali son of Abi Taleb is not the son of Hussain a.s. as in the previous two hadeeths or even Imam Hasan pbuh the second Imam or Imam Hussain pbuh because he can’t be a son of himself, so this claim is false and void, not logical at all. These 12 Mahdis are 12 infallibles who have an Imamate which is lower than the previous 12 Imams and they are proofs of Allah and they are successors of Allah swt and obediance is obligatory like with the previous 12 Imams and whoever turns away from them is from the people of hell.