No Time Before Big Bang for Creator to Exist

One of the popular arguments used by modern atheists is about the time before the big bang. The argument goes: “If time began with the big bang, then there was no time before the big bang in which a creator could exist.”


“This is an incorrect argument. Time is one of the dimensions of the material universe we live in, whereas a god is unlimited, absolute, old, eternal, and has no beginning. Accordingly, he cannot be bound or contained by dimensions. Otherwise, he would be a creation.

This is also true for what has been proposed scientifically according to the theory of multiple universes, as the hypothetical universes or worlds that are parallel to our world cannot be restricted by the same dimensions of our world, one of which is time.

If they were bound by a time suitable for them, since they all have a beginning in any case, how can the hypothesis of whether or not a god exists be restricted to proving whether or not He initially intervened at the beginning of time in our universe in particular, since some universes are earlier in time and some later, and they did not come into existence at the same time?”

Page 493, The Atheism Delusion

Ahmed Al-Hasan

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