For evolutionary biologists, the theory of abiogenesis and the theory of evolution provide a reasonable explanation supported by scientific evidence: life on the earth began from chemical substances that assembled in a form capable of self-replication. These were the first replicators that gradually evolved over millions of years, proving that nature is the cause of the emergence of life on the earth. This means that if we consider living creatures to be an effect, they indicate a cause, not an unseen cause, but rather a familiar cause—the nature that exists around us. Thus, the creator of these living creatures is nature, and nothing else.
As a result, the theorizing atheists say the following:
“We have a complete explanation of how life emerged and evolved on the earth, and we do not need to assume the existence of a force that is invisible or outside the known forces of nature, or an invisible force or a god, in order to explain life and its evolution on the earth. The emergence of life from nonliving substances has been proven in the laboratory, even if only to a limited extent, and evolution and development have been proven with scientific evidence. Thus, life on Earth is a product of nature and not the product of the existence of a god.”
As a matter of fact, the scientific explanation for life on Earth proves the existence of a god—not the opposite. If we scrutinize the theory of evolution (abiogenesis and development), we find that it is a process of implementing the purposeful, law-abiding genetic plan, making it an indicator of a purposeful lawmaker. Therefore, not only does the theory of evolution not conflict, but it completely agrees with the rational evidence the Quran has given to prove the existence of a god, specifically, that “the attributes of an effect indicate the attributes of its cause.” As a result, evolution is entirely purposeful.
However, evolutionary biologists and Dawkins (who theorizes for atheism) deceptively divide a single, massive entity, since nature (i.e the environment we live in) and us are a single entity. In other words, nature and the replicators are a single entity or let us say, they are all parts of a single entity. As a result, the combination of these parts (i.e this entity) is definitely purposeful. That is why Dawkins intentionally divided this entity so that he could say, “Look, these parts appear to be purposeful when combined, but as a matter of fact, they are not like that!”
What Dawkins did was like going inside the body of a person who is running toward a specific target then saying, “Look here, this heart is pumping blood vigorously because the muscles need oxygen and nutrients, the kidneys are eliminating urea from the body, the liver is eliminating poisons from the body, the stomach is digesting food, and so on. None of this is for the purpose of keeping the body alive, but rather each organ has a short-term purpose within the limits of its functions. Each is blind to the life of the body and therefore not purposeful in the long- term, so there is no purpose.” As a matter of fact, they are purposeful when taken as a whole, because the purpose is in all of the processes together, not just in some of them.
Since Dawkins and the promoters of atheism set out from a position of denial rather than doubt, they divided evolution based on their own perspective. They said, “Look, there is random genetic mutation, and there is non-random natural selection that has only a short-term purpose, as only those most fit to live in the natural environment are selected, so there is no ultimate or long-term purpose. The product, whether it is final or intermediate, resulted from the products of this process accumulating over time. Therefore, it is a non-purposeful, blind process in the long run.”
Had they not set out from belief in atheism and disbelief in the existence of a god, but instead set out from doubt in the existence of a god, and had they looked at evolution as a single entity, they would have seen that it proceeds based on an elaborate, productive system. . . .
The Atheism Delusion, Chapter 4
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