Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
“I swear by Allah that I wonder about these people and how they can be misguided, do they find guidance elsewhere such that this is unclear to them? Do they find that others, everyone without exception, are anything else but those who declare falsehood while they shout and call out for the supremacy of people? Rather even those who claim to be calling for Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh, you find them all as either participators or supporters of the elections.”
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
“If their survival and guidance was by the spilling of my blood, I would not have delayed it for today over tomorrow. I swear by Allah that I am sad and pained for the majority of the people who are deceived. I see that perishing has misguided them and they think they are remaining in this world, and that this world shall remain for them.”
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
“I hope you understand something, I am like my grandfather Al-Hussein pbuh, and my nose is like a stone. I swear by Allah I would rather be slain a thousand times than lower my head for an oppressor.”
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
“Treat people by their appearances, and Allah is the one who holds people accountable on judgement day. I swear by Allah that it is much easier for me that I be called a thousand and a thousand times an ignorant one, and fooled by [a]anyone with a couple of words, than to meet Allah on Judgement Day with an injustice toward one of His worshippers.”
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
“I did not come seeking servants. Nor did I come for people to see me so that I can be a veil between them and Allah. I came to demolish the structure of falsehood and build the structure of truth, so help me do so, may Allah have mercy upon you.”
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said, “Blinded is the eye that does not see the Truth or neglects It. What is this trap they have made you fall into, O People? Is it logical that you are driven each time towards killing a prophet or successor or a righteously-working scholar and walking by the side of the deviant Clerics of Misguidance, then if they eliminate him you beat your chests and shed the tears of your eyes and show remorse for your abominable hideous act? Then you repeat the same thing again time after time, and you follow the deviant Clerics of Misguidance and the same snake stings you from the same hole every time.”
“Awaken O Sleepers. Awaken O Dead.”
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
Jesus pbuh said,
(O Deviant Clerics, the matter of Allah is not as you wish or choose, but for death you are building the dwelling and for ruin you are building and constructing and for the inheritor you are paving the way.)
All the epic battles were and will be on this land. That is how the Lord willed it, so let the will of the the Lord happen. He is the One to take victory for His supporters, prophets and messengers,
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
“Proceed towards the bitterness of the Truth as in the bitter remedy is the cure for the chronic disease. Proceed towards the Truth which shall leave you no friend. Proceed towards the Truth and the Light while you want for nothing but Allah SWT and the Hereafter, away from the ornaments of this world and its darkness. Abu Thar Al-Ghafari said, “My beloved the Messenger of Allah pbuhap told me,
(Say the truth, Oh Abu Thar,)
and I have said the truth and the Truth has left me with no friend.”
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuhap said,
“I call you to acknowledge the Supremacy of Allah and reject the Supremacy of People. I call you to obedience of Allah and to reject the obedience of Satan and the obedience of his counterparts from the deviant Clerics. I call you to the fear of Allah, acknowledgement of His Supremacy, and the rejection of what is other than it without consideration of the political reality that America imposes.”
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
“The Messenger of Allah pbuhap said,
(A time shall come upon my nation when nothing from The Quran remains except for its calligraphy and nothing from Islam remains except for its name, they are labelled by it while they are the people furthest from it, their mosques are well-built while they are ruins of guidance. The Clerics of that time are the worst Clerics under the shade of the sky, from them the test emerged and to them it shall return.)”
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
Be fair to yourselves for once and ask yourselves this question, “Have you asked the Messenger of Allah pbuhap and the Imams about the End of Time Clerics before you ask the End of Time Clerics about the successor of Imam Al-Mahdi?” Have you asked the Quran about the Clerics, what their consistent attitude would be if a prophet or successor is sent? Have you asked the Quran who kindled the fire for Abraham and who wanted to kill Jesus and who fought Noah, Hud, Saleh, Shuaib, Moses, Jonah and all the prophets and successors?
If you are not fair to yourselves and do not answer this question now, then surely you will answer it in hellfire by the answer,
[And they say, “Our Lord verily we obeyed our masters and great men and they misled us from the Way.”]
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
I am calling you, O People, to save yourselves from the test of those deviant misguided and misguiding clerics. Ponder the situation of the nations which preceded you. Do you find the deviant Clerics supporting a prophet from the prophets, or a successor from the successors? So do not repeat the same thing again by following those deviant Clerics.
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
“Wash the mud off your eyes and ears, so that you can see Allah and hear Allah and know that Allah talks to you even through a rock.”
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
” Ask Allah SWT about me by the Quran and by the visions. It was narrated that the Messenger of Allah pbuhap said, “Whoever sees me in his sleep has verily seen me, as Satan does not take my form neither during sleep nor while awake, and does not take the form of any of my successors until the Day of Judgment.”
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
Let whoever claims to be a Muslim take a look at their stand towards the progeny of Muhammad PBUT, and let him prepare a stand for his hereafter by which he will be honored between the hands of Allah SWTwho obligated the love of the progeny of Muhammad PBUT and obligated submission to their command. 23 Quran, Surat As-Shuraa (The Heights), 42.
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
Work with all of that which is possible, as it is a battle against Iblis. He wants to take the largest number to hell fire. This world will be seen by the people after death as an hour of which they barely realized any of it. He [Iblis] wants to fulfil his promise of sending the creation astray.
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
Today I ask for your support like my grandfather Al-Hussain pbuh asked for your support. So is there a supporter who shall support us? If you do let us down and betray us, then your fathers of old have done the same. And my father had always been patient and I shall be patient, until the Merciful gives me permission in my matter.
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
The allegiance to the successor for Allah is the pillar of religion. If it is accepted, all else is accepted, and if it is rejected, all else is rejected. So whoever has not supported Al-Hussain pbuh when he heard about his matter, how does he wait for any prayer or fasting to be accepted from him?
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
Just as we hope that Allah replaces our wrong deeds with good deeds, we must treat those who offend us well, and relate to those who reject us, and have mercy towards those who oppress us. Otherwise, what favor is there for us upon the oppressor if he oppressed us, and upon the offender if he offended us? Work by all your effort so that until the end of the path, your page remains pure. Be charitable to those who offend.
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan Al-Yamani pbuh said,
Introduce the truth to people by mercy. Treat them the way you wish to be treated. Kill the Satan which is within them with the kind word. Argue with them by that which is more favored and by the overwhelming proof. Do not treat them with cruelty or harshness so you would be giving support to Satan and support to their ignorance against them.