The Divine Call

The purpose of the prophets and the messengers is for monotheism to spread in every place on this earth. To clarify Torah, the Gospel, the Quran, and the matters that people disagreed about, and for the earth to be filled with justice and fairness, just as it has been filled with tyranny and oppression.

Ahmed Al-Hasan

"I came to be a witness for the Truth and to reveal it. I did not come to have people follow me. My goal is to reveal the Truth and distinguish it from falsehood and that is why I am saying to everyone not to expect just kind words from me."

Ahmed Al-Hasan, a descendant of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, occupies a significant position within the religious texts concerning the eschatological narrative. He is referenced in the Prophet’s final Will as the First Mahdi (i.e. Guide), serving as the successor to the 12th Vicegerent of God, Muhammad ibn Al-Hasan. In accordance with the Prophet Muhammad’s Will, the line of Vicegerents of God after Prophet Muhammad includes 12 Imams and subsequently 12 Mahdis.

He is the prophesied Yamani, a central prophesied figure in Shia Muslim literature, and the Mahdi foretold by Sunni Muslim narrations to be born at the end of times. Additionally, he fulfills the role of the comforter promised by Prophet Jesus, as mentioned in the Gospel, and the Savior prophesied by the prophet Elijah for the Jewish people. His divine mission commenced in 1999 in Iraq, from where it has transcended borders and gained global recognition

Proof 1 Ahmed Alhasan

The appointment is mentioned in a text from the previous Vicegerent. Additionally, God testifies to people about him through visions and revelations

Proof 2 Ahmed Alhasan

The Vicegerent of God holds the foremost position with respect to knowledge and wisdom within his time

Proof 3 Ahmed Alhasan

Only God’s Vicegerents are the ones who invite people to embrace the Sovereignty of God, advocating for the correct beliefs as entrusted by God Almighty

Religious Delusion

Engaging in religious discourse without a foundation of knowledge in this world raises the question of whether these prominent clerics merit trust for the Hereafter

Sayyid Ali Sistani and Evolution Part 2

This is part 2 of the response by Ahmed Alhasan to Sayyid Ali Sistani about evolution. This excerpt is taken from the book Atheism Delusion. From Sistani’s ¹ Center of Belief Researches website: Quoting from Thimar Al-Afkar [The Fruits of

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Sayyid Ali Sistani and Evolution Part 1

This is part 1 of the response by Ahmed Alhasan to Sayyid Ali Sistani about evolution. This excerpt is taken from the book Atheism Delusion. I found the following statement on Sayyid Ali Sistani’s¹ ideological website². If it doesn’t represent

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Sheikh Jafar Sobhani and Evolution

This is a response by Ahmed Alhasan to some of the Shia scholars about evolution. This excerpt is taken from the book Atheism Delusion. In his book Al-Manahij al-Tafsiriyya [Interpretive Methods], Sheikh Jafar Sobhani¹ says It seems that Sheikh Jafar,

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Sunni Scholars and Evolution Part 2

This is part 2 of the response by Ahmed Alhasan to one of the Sunni Scholars about evolution. This excerpt is taken from the book Atheism Delusion. Ashqar ¹  continues: Response: Ashqar believes that present-day man, Homo sapiens, has evolved

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Sunni Scholars and Evolution Part 1

This is part 1 of the response by Ahmed Alhasan to one of the Sunni scholars about evolution. This excerpt is taken from the book Atheism Delusion. It is well-known that Al-Azhar University, which represents the Ashari and Maturidi Sunni

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The Wahhabi Salafi Religion and Evolution

This is a response by Ahmed Alhasan to the statements of some of the Wahhabi Salafi scholars about evolution. This excerpt is taken from Atheism Delusion. Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baz’s¹ answer to a question on evolution:  Unfortunately, Ibn

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Atheism Delusion

Featured posts from the book “Atheism Delusion” that address and challenge contemporary atheists

Tracing Scientific Adam

Adam and Evolution- Mapping the Timeline

When did Adam live on the earth? How to reconcile between the Adam of religion and evolutionary findings? What does science tell us about Adam and Eve? Following excerpt is taken from the book “The Atheism Delusion” by Ahmed Al-Hasan:

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Out of Africa and Beyond

When was the first successful migration of homosapiens? Where did it all begin? Read more about it in the following excerpt from the book “The Atheism Delusion” by Ahmed Al-Hasan: The archeological study of artifacts confirms both the appearance of

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Collapse of the Wave Function

Quantum Mechanics and Multiple Universes

“It has been demonstrated earlier that there are real problems or, at the very least, an area of ambiguity in quantum mechanics, specifically with regard to probability and uncertainty. There is no answer from the school of thought of Bohr,

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Atheism Delusion by Ahmed Al-Hasan

The Atheism Delusion

The title might seem like the target is atheism, but the real target is actually all things delusional and irrational, whether dressed in “belief” or “disbelief”. The arbiter in this contest, is science and the God-given “mechanism of intelligence” (as the author calls it) that each reader possesses.

Frankfurt Bookfair Ahmed Al-Hasan
Books by Ahmed Al-Hasan in the Frankfurt Bookfair

Divine Knowledge Is Everything

Books by Ahmed Al-Hasan
0 +
Translated in English
0 +
Books by Ansar Al-Mahdi
0 +

The entire world is ignorance except for the positions of knowledge in it. The entire knowledge is a proof except for what is worked by. The entire work is hypocrisy except for what was sincere. The sincerity is upon great danger until the human being sees how he ends.

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Najaf Office: Declaration of Dissociation

𝗗𝗲𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Indeed, we, the Ahl al-Bayt, are truthful people, and we are not free of liars who lie about us and cause our truth to be doubted among the people. . . .May God spare us the harm of every liar and make them taste the heat of iron.” The office of Sayyed Ahmed Alhasan in the Honorable City of Najaf

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New Book Release! The Hidden Cause of Homosexuality

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Hear the Words of God

{We relate to you the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Quran although before that you were among the heedless.}* That is, before the revelation, you were among the heedless. Whoever does not receive the revelation is heedless. He who does not hear or see the words of God is heedless. Veiled by the materialistic world, the desires, ignorance, and the “I”…. He, the

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Why doesn’t God always send Messengers?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Ahmed Al-Hasan?

Ahmed Al-Hasan, a descendant of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, occupies a significant position within the religious texts concerning the eschatological narrative. He is referenced in the Prophet’s final Will as the First Mahdi (i.e. Guide), serving as the successor to the 12th Vicegerent of God, Muhammad ibn Al-Hasan. In accordance with the Prophet Muhammad’s Will, the line of Vicegerents of God after Prophet Muhammad includes 12 Imams and subsequently 12 Mahdis.

He is the prophesied Yamani, a central prophesied figure in Shia Muslim literature, and the Mahdi foretold by Sunni Muslim narrations to be born at the end of times. Additionally, he fulfills the role of the comforter promised by Prophet Jesus, as mentioned in the Gospel, and the Savior prophesied by the prophet Elijah for the Jewish people. His divine mission commenced in 1999 in Iraq, from where it has transcended borders and gained global recognition

The lineage of the Ahmed Al-Hasan is: Ahmed ibn Ishmael ibn Saleh ibn Hussain ibn Salman ibn Muhammad ibn Hasan pbuh.

Muhammad ibn Hasan pbuh is the twelfth Vicegerent of God from the family of Muhammad.

An official office, located in Holy Najaf, is entrusted with the representation of Ahmed Al-Hasan. The office is under the management of Sayyid Wathiq al-Hussaini, Sheikh Nathum al-Uqaili, and Sheikh Habeeb Al-Saeedy. They release official statements based on the guidance provided by Ahmed Al-Hasan through legislative evidence or responses to their inquiries. Ahmed Al-Hasan personally oversees the operations of this esteemed office.

Official Facebook Page of Ahmed Al-Hasan:

Official Facebook Page of the Blessed Office:


You can post the question in the comments section of the recent post on the official page of Ahmed Al-Hasan:
For Jurisprudence Questions:
To reach out to his office in the Holy city of Najaf:
For existing jurisprudence answers:

Quote by Ahmed Al-Hasan from the Official Facebook page: “I’m honored to meet any person… but, my security conditions during this period of time do not allow me to be in a well known place. Unfortunately, there are still political parties who don’t want my presence among the people and to meet them. God willing, the beloved ones in the office or the Mahdawi Hawza or the institution for higher learning are able to do their service and can clarify everything for you. I ask God to ease the matters by His grace and favor in a quick manner so that I can be present among the people and meet them and serve them; and He[God] is the most merciful.” “…I was personally present in the Honorable City of Najaf for a long while. I used to sit and meet with the people but the government made us leave during the time of Noori Al-Malik’s rule,* after we were repeatedly attacked. The last attack occurred at my home in the Honorable City of Najaf before I had left. Thousands of people know my physical appearance and what my picture looks like. This includes believers as well as other people that I have met previously. Currently, I don’t talk about my pictures because it is an issue of personal security. We do what is best and the rest is up to God, the Exalted, and He is the best protector.”

In the words of Ahmed Al-Hasan: “I came to be a witness for the Truth and to reveal it. I did not come to have people follow me. My goal is to reveal the Truth and distinguish it from falsehood and that is why I am saying to everyone not to expect just kind words from me. It is impossible for any of us to leave anything related to the Truth or even to look the other way when they see anything related to falsehood just for the satisfaction of the people.”

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